

How to prevent cardiovascular disease? Diet recommendations for cardiovascular disease

In modern life, many people are prone to cardiovascular disease because of dinner parties or long-term drinking and socializing, plus long-term stress and lack of attention to rest


In modern life, many people are prone to cardiovascular diseases because of dinner parties or long-term drinking and socializing, and coupled with long-term stress and lack of attention to rest, they are more likely to suffer from such diseases. So, how to prevent cardiovascular diseases? and cardiovascular disease diet
In the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, a reasonable diet is very important. Patients should pay strict attention to the following points in their diet:
1. Eat foods rich in vitamin C. Such as: vegetables, fruits. Vitamin C can increase the elasticity of blood vessels and protect blood vessels.
2. Increase the intake of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can absorb cholesterol and prevent cholesterol from being absorbed by the body.
3. Control the quality and quantity of fat intake. Saturated fatty acids can increase blood cholesterol, and polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce cholesterol, so the intake of saturated fatty acids such as lard and tallow should be controlled in the diet.
4. Limit salt. A high-salt diet can increase the incidence of cardiovascular disease. People with mild hypertension or a family history of hypertension should control their salt intake to less than 5 grams per day. The daily amount of salt is 1 to 2 grams.
5. Eat small meals often, avoid overeating and overeating dinner, otherwise it will easily induce acute myocardial infarction.
6. Control cholesterol intake. Studies have shown that people with high cholesterol are 5 times more likely to have coronary heart disease than normal people. Therefore, patients with cardiovascular disease should eat less food with high cholesterol such as animal brain marrow, internal organs, egg yolk, and crab roe.
1. Yam Polenta
Ingredients: Corn (yellow, dry, yam, lotus seeds, rock sugar.
Practice: Cut the yam into filaments; remove the core of the lotus seeds and grind them into powder; put the corn and yam into the pot and add an appropriate amount of water, and cook together for 30 minutes; then add the lotus seed powder and rock sugar, and cook it into a gelatinous gruel.
Yam polenta has the effect of invigorating Qi and spleen and preventing cancer.
2. Hawthorn peach kernel honey
Ingredients: Fresh hawthorn, peach kernel.
Method: Decoct the hawthorn and peach kernels twice, remove the slag and extract the juice, add honey, steam in a pot for 1 hour and cool down for later use. 1 spoon of 5 ml each time, 2 times a day.
Hawthorn peach kernel honey has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, digestion and intestines, lowering lipid and lowering blood pressure.
3. Double ear soup
Ingredients: Tremella, black fungus.
Practice: Soak white fungus and black fungus in warm water, wash and steam until cooked, take 1 dose a day and eat in several times.
Shuang'er decoction has the effect of nourishing qi, nourishing yin and lowering blood lipids.
4. Yam and mung bean soup
Ingredients: yam, mung bean, honey.
Wash the yam, scrape off the skin, chop and smash into a paste for later use. Clean the mung beans and put them in a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over medium heat, and simmer over low heat until they are cooked and smashed into a blooming shape, add in the yam paste, continue to simmer for 10 minutes, add honey after removing from the heat, and mix to form a soup Serve, in the morning and evening.
It can clear heat and detoxify, nourish qi and lower blood pressure, and treat hypertensive disease caused by inflammation of liver fire.

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