

Drink more of this bowl of "double ear soup" in summer, beautify the face and detoxify, clear away heat and moisten dryness, women often drink it and do not look old

The awn seed represents the official start of midsummer, and the temperature gradually rises. At this time, farmers begin to work in the fields


After the mango is planted, drink more of this soup, clear the fire and nourish the face, and women often drink it so they don't look old!

The awn seed represents the official start of midsummer, and the temperature gradually rises. At this time, farmers are busy in the fields, busy with harvests, and busy with planting grains for the next year. Special attention should be paid to the diet after the awn planting, mostly light, eat less meat and more fruits and vegetables, pay more attention to the spleen and stomach, and eat less cold food.

Today, I would like to recommend a soup that is especially suitable for drinking after planting mangosteen. The name is "Double Ear Soup". The ingredients used are fungus and white fungus. Many people don't know that fungus can also be used for soup, only stir-fry and salad.

Tremella, also known as white fungus, is a long-term nourishing ingredient. It is rich in natural plant colloids, and has the effect of nourishing yin, moisturizing the skin, and removing chloasma and freckles. In summer, white fungus is often eaten, which has the effects of clearing away heat and moistening dryness, strengthening the spleen and stomach, eliminating fire, soothing the nerves and invigorating the brain.

Fungus and Tremella also have the effect of beautifying and moisturizing. They are very rich in iron. Patients with iron deficiency anemia should eat more fungus. Fungus can promote intestinal peristalsis, and it is also a "cleaner" in the human body, clearing the stomach and detoxifying, preventing constipation, and it is also very helpful for weight loss.

This soup needs to be cooked for the family every three or five years.

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